Flax, Fighting and Flirting

Flax, Fighting and Flirting.

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Working Hard NOT to Work - The Viking Way

In this episode we learn a little about how to work hard not to work... and the value of paying tribute.

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Ron Gets Attacked

This video was to celebrate the 100th person joining our Facebook group. Poor Ron Donaldson, he just can't win. Not only does he have to put up with Viking Dad, he also has to deal with cat attacks.

*No cats were harmed during the filming of this, although the same cannot be said for Ron's ego.

Apartment Hunting the Viking Way

Get some advice from Viking Dad's unique world view, for better or worse. In this weeks episode Viking Dad extols the virtues of using soft pliable pitch for acquiring a new apartment.

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Pussy Problems - Ask Viking Dad Episode 1

For all members of our Facebook group we have a link on the discussion board so that you can ask Viking Dad for advice. Sometimes he answers those questions... unfortunately.

If you have a google account you can use friend connect to follow Viking Dad. You can also subscribe for updates, subscribe to our YouTube Channel, follow us on Twitter or join our Facebook group.
If you want to ask Viking Dad a question of your own join our Facebook group or email us.

Viking Dad Trailer 1

This is the first Viking Dad trailer for the Viking Dad show.

If you have a google account you can use friend connect to follow Viking Dad, you can also subscribe for updates, follow us on Twitter or join our Facebook group. If you have any questions or comments email us.

Viking Beer

Damn Belgians...

Ancient Warriors... The Vikings

This is an awesome documentary about, you guessed it, vikings.

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